Enhancing Sewer Line Maintenance with Rycom's PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and Sewer Sonde


Maintaining underground utilities, particularly sewer lines, is a critical task that ensures the smooth operation of urban infrastructure. Accurate and efficient tracing of these lines is paramount for repair, maintenance, and installation tasks. Rycom Instruments, a leader in utility locating technology, offers innovative solutions like the PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and the Sewer Sonde to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of sewer line tracing. This blog post explores the features and benefits of these two cutting-edge tools and how they can be combined to revolutionize sewer line maintenance.

Understanding the Tools

Rycom PipeTrack Traceable Rodder(s)

The Rycom PipeTrack Traceable Rodder is a robust, flexible rod equipped with a traceable conductor. Designed to be pushed through non-metallic pipes, this tool enables accurate location of underground utilities. Key features include:

  • Durability: Constructed from high-strength materials, the rodder can navigate through bends and obstructions without breaking.

  • Traceability: The embedded conductor allows for precise location when used with a compatible transmitter and receiver. Attach transmitter to the rodder, choose the desired frequency, adjust receiver to chosen frequency and the entire pipe path can now be located.

  • Ease of Use: Lightweight and easy to handle, it simplifies the tracing process even in challenging environments.

Rycom Sewer Sonde

The Rycom Sewer Sonde is a small, battery-powered transmitter that can be attached to a rodder or a cable. It emits a single-frequency signal that can be detected by any Rycom receiver above ground, pinpointing the exact location of the sonde. Key features include:

  • Compact Design: Small enough to navigate through tight spaces within sewer lines.

  • Long Battery Life: Provides extended operation time, ensuring uninterrupted tracing.

  • High Signal Strength: Ensures accurate location even in deep or heavily shielded environments (up to 25 ft.).

Combining the PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and Sewer Sonde

The synergy between the Rycom PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and the Sewer Sonde offers unparalleled benefits for sewer line maintenance. Here’s how combining these tools can enhance your operations:

  1. Enhanced Accuracy: Using the PipeTrack Traceable Rodder to navigate through sewer lines and the Sewer Sonde to emit a detectable signal ensures pinpoint accuracy in locating the entire path of the sewer line.

  2. Improved Efficiency: The combination reduces the time and effort required for tracing and locating sewer lines. The PipeTrack Traceable Rodder’s durability allows it to be pushed through complex pipe networks, while the Sewer Sonde’s high signal strength ensures accurate end-point detection.

  3. Versatility: This combination is ideal for a wide range of applications, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. Whether dealing with plastic, clay, or other non-metallic pipes, these tools provide reliable performance.

  4. Cost-Effective: By reducing the need for excavation and minimizing downtime, the use of these tools can lead to significant cost savings in sewer line maintenance projects.

Practical Application: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Preparation: Inspect the PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and Sewer Sonde to ensure they are in good working condition. Charge the sonde's battery if necessary.

  2. Attachment: Secure the Sewer Sonde to the end of the PipeTrack Traceable Rodder.

  3. Insertion: Insert the rodder into the sewer line access point and gently push it through the pipe. The rodder’s flexibility allows it to navigate bends and obstructions.

  4. Tracing: As you push the rodder through the sewer line, use any Rycom receiver to track the signal emitted by attaching your transmitter to the rodder. This will help you map the exact path of the sewer line.

  5. Identification: Once the rodder reaches the target area or a blockage, the precise location can be identified above ground using the receiver. Mark the location for excavation or further investigation.

  6. Retrieval: Carefully retract the rodder from the sewer line, ensuring no damage to the rod or sonde.


Combining Rycom's PipeTrack Traceable Rodder and Sewer Sonde creates a powerful, efficient, and accurate solution for sewer line tracing and maintenance. This dynamic duo not only enhances the accuracy of locating sewer lines but also improves the overall efficiency of maintenance operations. By integrating these tools into your utility maintenance toolkit, you can ensure reliable performance, reduce costs, and maintain the integrity of your underground infrastructure.

Invest in Rycom's advanced technology today and experience the difference in your sewer line maintenance operations.


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